10x Your Company Growth In 10 Weeks
Our proven Exo Sprint process moves your leadership, culture, and management thinking forward a typical three-year cycle in just ten weeks.

10x Your Company Growth In 10 Weeks
Our proven Exo Sprint process
moves your leadership, culture, and management thinking forward a typical three-year cycle in just ten weeks.
Boost Your Innovation Program 10x
The most effective innovation comes from inside your organization but it takes more than just asking your employees for suggestions. Brilliant ideas are hard to implement when everyone is heading off in their own direction.

Program Details
We use a highly-tuned methodology to help large organizations grow, based on an in-depth study of what powers exponentially growing companies, incubated through active coaching of your people, and supported by global adjacent sector experts.
Boost Your Innovation Program 10x

The most effective innovation comes from inside your organization but it takes more than just asking your employees for suggestions. Brilliant ideas are hard to implement when everyone is heading off in their own direction.
Program Details

We use a highly-tuned methodology to help large organizations grow, based on an in-depth study of what powers exponentially growing companies, incubated through active coaching of your people, and supported by global adjacent sector experts.
Imagine if, in 10 weeks, you could:
Click Below To Learn More
Present your colleagues with 8 different initiatives that each has a potential to grow the company exponentially.
- Find cost cutting where no-one else thinks to look.
- Move away from highly commodified markets that are being disrupted to lucrative new ones.
- Boost your existing initiatives’ returns by 10X.
Adopt the business models powering the world’s fastest growing companies (Exponential Organizations)
- Bring in purpose-driven profit making that thrills
ESG investors
Train your staff to become brilliant innovators...
- Who feel comfortable with uncertainty and ready to handle crises
- Who continually co-design and validate ideas with customers and stakeholders to
future-proof your business - Who can map out how exponentially-improving new technologies may benefit or harm your business
Navigate your “corporate immune system” to get 75% of your initiatives implemented with high returns
- Align your people, reducing office politics
Create a wave of moral and innovation
excitement that shifts your corporate culture
Convert your Learning & Development unit from a cost to a profit center by combining training with creating actionable revenue streams
Learn how to progressively DIY the next times
- Access a global network of 7,500 technologists, innovators and unicorn builders
We know that this sounds too good to be true, but this is how companies like these
have created billions of dollars of returns by using this methodology.

What do you need to invest to achieve this?
Leadership In Action
Appoint 1 - 4 of your senior innovators or leaders to liaise with coaches and peers, and provide weekly feedback to teams for ongoing improvement.
Training for Impact
Appoint 4 - 6 of your cross-functional people of all seniority per team to spend 30% of their time for 10-weeks of training and initiative development
Decision Making
Those who will decide which initiatives will proceed should attend at least an hour in week 1 and 90 minutes per team in weeks 5 and 10
Imagine if, in 10 weeks, you could:
Present your colleagues with 8 different initiatives that each has a potential to grow the company exponentially.
- Find cost cutting where no-one else thinks to look.
- Move away from highly commodified markets that are being disrupted to lucrative new ones.
- Boost your existing initiatives’ returns
by 10X.
Adopt the business models powering the world’s fastest growing companies (Exponential Organizations)
- Bring in purpose-driven profit making that thrills
ESG investors
Train your staff to become brilliant innovators...
- Who feel comfortable with uncertainty and ready to handle crises
- Who continually co-design and validate ideas with customers and stakeholders to future-proof your business
- Who can map out how exponentially-improving new technologies may benefit or harm your business
Navigate your “corporate immune system” to get 75% of your initiatives implemented with high returns
- Align your people, reducing office politics
Create a wave of moral and innovation excitement that shifts your corporate culture
Convert your Learning & Development unit from a cost to a profit center by combining training with creating actionable revenue streams
Learn how to progressively DIY the next times
- Access a global network of 7,500 technologists, innovators and unicorn builders
We know that this sounds too good to be true, but this is how companies like these have created billions of dollars of returns by using this methodology.

What do you need to invest to achieve this?
Leadership In Action
Appoint 1 - 4 of your senior innovators or leaders to liaise with coaches and peers, and give weekly feedback to teams
Training for Impact
Appoint 4 - 6 of your cross-functional people of all seniority per team to spend 30% of their time for 10-weeks of training and initiative development
Decision Making
Those who will decide which initiatives will proceed should attend at least an hour in week 1 and 90 minutes per team in weeks 5 and 10